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Re: mail delivered despite quota limits

1997-05-13 06:08:00

Johannes Grosen 
<grosen(_at_)dilbert(_dot_)cc(_dot_)ndsu(_dot_)nodak(_dot_)edu> writes:
I've been experimenting with using procmail to deliver mail to
a user's home directory where quotas are in place to control
disk usage. In my experiments so far, the mail is either delivered
with no error or is silently lost into the great bit bucket when
a user is over quota. I am doing this via a .forward and simple
procmailrc in the user's home directory. Has anyone had such
an experience and found a solution.

What version of procmail, what OS (and version), was there a .procmailrc
involved, and how did you test it?

I haven't sent this to the list, but if you could respond to there, it
would be appreciated (thus the Reply-To: header).

Philip Guenther

I am using procmail v3.11pre7 on a Sun SS1000 running Solaris 2.4.
The procmailrc is similar to the following:


The .forward file contains:

"|/local/bin/procmail -Yf-"

I tested this by setting this up for two users that were over their
quota and sending mail to them. In one case, the mail was truncated
and in the other it was delivered in its entirety. We are running
sendmail 8.8.5 with smrsh for program delivery.

Sorry about not providing more details in my first message.
Johannes "John" Grosen, Assoc. Dir.     Information Technology Services
IACC Building, PO Box 5164              North Dakota State University
Fargo, ND 58105-5164                    (701) 231-1042 Fax: 231-8541

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