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Setting up procmail to work with .forward

1997-05-31 22:48:00
Hi, I'm running Linux 2.0.30 and have been trying to understand
procmail for quite some time.  I've had it working a few times,
but not the way that I wanted, and then I changed some little
thing and BANG - lost email and I couldn't configure it back the
way it was.

Here is my .forward:

"|IFS=' ' && exec /usr/bin/procmail -f- || exit 75 #root"

And here is my .procmailrc:

# Store linux kernel messages into a different folder.
* ^TOlinux-kernel(_at_)vger

It doesn't work the way that I want, and I'm looking for some
help.  Here is what I want:

I want incoming mail from the linux-kernel list to be stored in
the incoming mail folder:


The closest that I can come is it putting the mail in my home

Also, due to the fact that I started losing messages, I decided
to disable .forward so I renamed the file .for and then did a
"fetchmail".  Fetchmail showed 12 messages incoming, but I only
received 4 and the others were nowhere to be found.  Keep in mind
that I *disabled* .forward, logged out, logged back in, and my
mail was STILL being fiddled with by procmail.  I know this
because I had top running and watched fetchmail call sendmail
which called procmail.  This doesn't usually happen.  Do I have
to reboot to disable .forward, even if the file doesn't exist???

Does sendmail cache .forward files?  Do I need to SIGHUP sendmail
or something?  Please help because I'm losing tonnes of email.
I'm reading my email on a different machine without procmail for
the time being.

Thanks in advance.

Mike A. Harris        |   
Computer Consultant   |                  Coming soon: dynamic-IP-freedom...
My dynamic address:
Email: mharris at  <-- Spam proof address

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