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Re: File locking

1997-06-14 20:29:00
Luke Davis wrote,

| The rc file says to pritty much avoid using LOCKFILE = (global lock files)
| at all costs; why is this?

It says that local lockfiles are preferable to global ones, not that global
lockfiles should be avoided at all costs.

The problem is that a single global lockfile will allow only one procmail
process to operate at a time.  If you receive two letters at roughly the
same time and they're going to be stored in different folders, there's no
reason that the two procmail processes they invoke can't run simultaneously.

| Also, I assuming using global lock files is about the only to ensure only
| one instance of procmail is running at a time, correct?

Yup, but generally you want to make one procmail instantiation wait for
another only if they're going to do things that interfere with each other
(usually, if they'll try to modify the same file).

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