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RE: moving the procmail.log

1997-07-10 11:37:00

At 06:28 PM 7/10/97 +0200, Dallman Ross wrote:
From:    Kevin Kelleher [SMTP:kevink(_at_)MIT(_dot_)EDU]

One of the first things in my .procmailrc is a call
to a perl script:

  | $HOME/bin/clocker

This checks a flag file to see whether it has already
run today, and if so exits.  If it hasn't, it
changes the flag file and then does a bunch of stuff,

Is it just me, or do others have a philosophical objection
to triggering the overhead of perl for every single message
that comes in when it is easy to do this by other, less
"inflationary" means?

Yes, Era Eriksson <era(_at_)iki(_dot_)fi> pointed out the same thing,
so now I've changed it to the following:

  DAY=`date +%m%d`

  | (if test ! -f $HOME/conf/$FLAGFILE; \
     then touch $FLAGFILE; $HOME/bin/clocker; fi)

Kevin Kelleher

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