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Re: Pager Script

1997-07-14 04:02:00
Hi Era,


is there no :0c necessary ?

* conditions
   FROMSUBJ=`formail -rtz -xTo: -xSubject: <rmail.out | \

rmail.out? there is no such file. or is this a variable?

       sed -e '$!N' -e 's/Re: Re: /Re: /' -e 's/\n[   ]*/ /g' | \

looks confusing to me ;-)

       cut -c1-91    # with "Subject: ", 100 characters`
   | formail -I"Subject: $FROMSUBJ" \
       | $SENDMAIL $SENDMAILFLAGS pager(_at_)address

ok. I tried it, but I always get an empty message with an empty subject :-(

You need to make sure your copy of cut(1) understands the -c option.
If you really mean to say there's room for "Subject: " +plus+ 100
characters, you can of course change the cut accordingly. 

Yes, cut understands the -c option (and -b)

The sed script has a couple of idiosyncracies -- I'm lost as to why
this is happening, but it will not unconditionally replace all
newlines with spaces. (This is not normally a problem, but it might
bite if you have a Subject which spans more than one line -- although
in that case, the overspanning will probably disappear after the cut

 Also, interestingly, formail -rt will add a second Re: on front of
the Subject even if there is already one.
For the record, this appears to be fixed in 3.11pre7.

My server runs only the version 3.11pre4.

This subject is frequently beaten to death on this list, but I think
the replies you'd have found in the archives are all slightly
different. Nevertheless, check out


I looked to the archive on my disk drive (about 1,5 years) but did not
found something similar. I have also checked with your archive address
on the web, but there was nothing about deleting the body.


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