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Re: bouncing spam from forwarded message with procmail

1997-07-17 22:33:00
        Author: luomat(_at_)peak(_dot_)org (Timothy J. Luoma)
        Date: Thu, 17 Jul 1997 23:06:52 -0400 (EDT)
        Message-ID: <199707180306(_dot_)XAA12314(_at_)kira(_dot_)peak(_dot_)org>

Now: if I config sendmail on MY machine to reject mail from certain SPAM
domains, will it check the 'From:' line or the 'From ' line? Can I tell it
to check other lines for spam domains (such as the Message-ID line or other
X-header lines? If it checks the 'From ' line all the messages will appear
to be coming from me @ my isp account, which I do not want.

The answer (from my preliminary testing) seems to be that sendmail checks  
only the 'From ' line, not the 'From:' line.

There are good arguments for NOT preserving the 'From ' line, but this, in  
my case, is a good argumetn FOR keeping it.  Blocking spammers and spamsites  
at the source before it even gets to procmail.

However, since it only checks the 'From ' which may have bogus info, and  
does not check the other header lines, I may still end up using procmail, so  
this might note even be necessary.


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