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Re: Why deosn't this work ?

1997-07-21 08:25:00

# Create a backup cache of 100 most recent messages in case of mistakes
:0 c

  :0 ic
  | cd .backup && rm -f dummy `ls -t msg.* | sed -e 1,100d`

      I just checke this file and found over 3000 messages int! Any idea
      whats wrong here?

The problem is that the part after the "&& rm" deletes all but the oldest
100 FILES in a DIRECTORYU.  You have 3000 MESSAGES in a FILE.  Delete or
rename .backup and create a directory by that name.  When procmail sees
that the destination is a directory, it will put each message in a
separate file in that directory.  Otherwise, the message is appended to
the destination.

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