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Re: formail -- order of arguments matters????

1997-07-27 06:54:00
On Jul 26, Timothy J Luoma wrote
HOWEVER I'd like this to go into formail's man page... it would help folks  
figure it out... cost me about 30 minutes (duh!)

[Command line optios can be put in any order, but the argument to an
option, if any, must follow the option character.]

This is standard POSIX behaviour, so I doubt that it should go to each
utility's man page.  It should be taught in Unix tutorials and
elementary Unix courses instead.

You know, this reminds me of a common saying about the Finnish
language: the order of words in a sentence doesn't matter.  Of course,
this isn't entirely true.  However, it contains some truth, and
therefore one hears it occasionally -- it is a simplification.

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