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RE: how to reply with textfile?

1997-07-28 10:46:00
Looks like your missing the open parathensis....I not sure that you even
need parathesis because you are only executing one command.

Try one of the two:

| (cat $HOME/somefile.txt ) | $SENDMAIL -t


| cat $HOME/somefile.txt | $SENDMAIL -t

I'm new to procmail too, so I don't know about the first line. :-)

From:  Tomas Karlsson[SMTP:webmaster(_at_)iimagers(_dot_)com]
Sent:  Monday, July 28, 1997 6:20 AM
To:    procmail(_at_)informatik(_dot_)rwth-aachen(_dot_)de
Subject:       how to reply with textfile?


I am new to this list as well as to procmail... I was wondering how a 
procmail recipe would look like if I want an autoreply sending out a 
textfile depending on the from field. 

Am I on the right track, trying something like this (which of course 
doesn't work):

* ^From(_dot_)*someone(_at_)domain(_dot_)com
| cat $HOME/somefile.txt ) | $SENDMAIL -t

Any help is greatly apprecieted.

Tomas Karlsson

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