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Re: Error while writing to

1997-08-10 17:17:00
On Mon, 11 Aug 1997 08:06:47 +0900,
Mitsuru Furukawa <furu(_at_)009(_dot_)com> wrote:
 procmail: Error while writing to " echo "dummy" > pagedcount.$YYMMDD"
are found in procmail log corresponding to  following recipes:

Missing :i flag. 

* $ !? test -f pagedcount.$YYMMDD
| echo "dummy" > pagedcount.$YYMMDD

| echo "$FROM" >> pagedcount.$YYMMDD

Apparently, the first recipe is making sure the pagedcount file
exists. If that's the case, you don't really need the dummy line --
just touch the file instead. (That will create it if it doesn't exist,
but you could even do it unconditionally, perhaps as part of the
second recipe. Or at the time you extract FROM, you could tee -a it to
the pagedcount file.)

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