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ackmail question

1997-08-10 18:16:00

I'd like to setup an ackmail system for certain users.

I know to file all lists, etc away first, but what I am having trouble with  
is what to do about the number of acks per day.

Some folks send me a few messages per day, and so I don't want to limit to  
one ack per day, but then again I don't want some mailloop to cause an  
endless circle either.

I was thinking I could use something to test whether they had been acked  
more than 5 times that day (which seems sufficient for my needs) and if they  
had been, then send no more acks that day.

So I thought maybe using 'fgrep -i $SENDER $ACKFILE | wc -l' but how do I  
test if that is less than 6?

# note: we need the 'awk' because 'wc' stupidly prints out
# whitespace before reporting the number
NOOFACKS=`fgrep -i $SENDER $ACKFILE | wc -l |awk '{print $1]'`

But then what?


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