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Minor Mailing List Woes

1997-08-13 19:24:00
I run a small mailing list using procmail. The list is handled thus:

The .forward file is

"|IFS=' '&&exec /usr/bin/procmail -f-||exit 75 #hawks"

The .procmailrc file is


* ^From:(_dot_)*rivhillregister(_at_)lawlab(_dot_)com
    | sed -e '/^#/d' -e '/^$/d' -e 's/^/Bcc: /' rivhillregister ; \
        formail -I"From " -I"To: Unofficial Riverhill Mailing List" -ICc: -IBcc:

    ! -t

where rivhillregister is the name of a file containing the recipients'
addresses. This has worked well for months. The messages tend to be small,
about 1.5k to 3.0k bytes. Last weekend a lady sent in a mail to the list
that was about 5 or 6k bytes. Only about half of it went out. Everyone
received it, but only half of it. She was particularly upset because it
was some of her best work (naturally). 

Could procmail have contributed to this situation?

Incedentally, I re-sent the message to the list and it was properly
transmitted on that attempt. I think it was a glitch at the ISP, or a
dropped connection during the send, but I thought I'd bounce it off of you
guys to see what you thought.

One net to rule them all, one net to find them, one net to bring them all
and using Unix bind them.             alan_s(_at_)shaknet(_dot_)clark(_dot_)net
*Stamp out Spam...Boycott companies who use unsolicited commercial email*

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