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-m and ! -oi -f"$@" and sendmail

1997-08-16 18:32:00
I am trying to call procmail through the sendmail as described in the
procmail man page. 

I have the following in S0 of the of the receiving machine:

R$*<@$=w.>              $#procmail $@/etc/procmailrcs/test.rc
R$*<@$*.procmail>$*     $: $1<@$2.>$3

and a mailer:

Mprocmail,      P=/usr/bin/procmailn, F=mSDFMhun, S=11, R=21,
        A=procmail -m $h $f $u

In /etc/procmailrcs/test.rc I have:

! -oi -f"$@"

I was running procmail version 3.10.  I was getting an error:

procmail: No match on "^.*test"
procmail: Assigning "LASTFOLDER=/usr/sbin/sendmail -oi -f"
 Subject: proc 3.10 with /etc/procmailrcs
  Folder: /usr/sbin/sendmail -oi -f                       520
procmail: Executing "/usr/sbin/sendmail,-oi,-f"
/usr/sbin/sendmail: option requires an argument  f

In one of the procmail mailing list archives I found a comment that the
/etc/procmailrcs was accidentally disabled in version 3.10 and that you
would have to get a patch.  

Instead of getting the patch I downloaded and compiled version 3.11pre4. 
Now the recipient gets the message.  However, the sender gets a copy of
the message sent back to him.  The best I can figure from the logfile is
that sendmail is possibly interpreting the -f"$@" as the sender and as

Below is the log using ver 3.11.

procmail: [3840] Sat Aug 16 19:07:16 1997
procmail: No match on "^.*test"
procmail: Assigning "LASTFOLDER=/usr/sbin/sendmail -oi -oi -f"
 Subject: Test using procmail 3.11
  Folder: /usr/sbin/sendmail -oi -oi -f                     463
procmail: [3840] Sat Aug 16 19:07:17 1997
procmail: Executing

I was just wondering if any one else had run into this or can see anything
obvious I am doing wrong. 

-- Lon B.

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