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Re: Random errors

1997-08-18 23:28:46
On Mon, 18 Aug 1997 13:10:19 -0500 (CDT), Joe Lewandoski
<jlwndski(_at_)winkle(_dot_)navo(_dot_)navy(_dot_)mil> wrote:
The following procmail recipe returns a random error code in the
range of 64-78. What would be the effect and is it worth the effort
to harass the SOBs?

Probably not. What's the utility of returning different exit codes? If
they get a 77 once, they should continue to get 77's, but I honestly
doubt they care to check. 

   ECODE=| (~/.procmail/

Is it worth spawning an extra shell simply to get ~ expanded to the
value of $HOME? I.e. you can take out the parens if you replace the
tilde with $HOME, and save processes. 


(Can't you just assign it in a single step?)

   | gzip -fc >> Headers.spamfraud.gz

Leave out the :c on the first recipe and you don't have to /dev/null
it separately. 

where is the following

This can probably be accomplished in a less heavy application than
Perl. (I haven't timed it, but I'd try gawk.)

Hope this helps,

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