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Re: [error] Extraneous locallockfile ignored

1997-09-10 11:36:34
Jens-Ulrik Holger Petersen 
<petersen(_at_)kurims(_dot_)kyoto-u(_dot_)ac(_dot_)jp> writes:
Recently (I first noticed this today), I get the following error
report from mailstat

~% mailstat -t ~/.mail-log
     0       1  ## procmail: Extraneous locallockfile ignored
  1988       1 xemacs-discuss

What does it mean exactly?  Should I worry about it?

It means you have a locallockfile on a nested block recipe.  So we look
in your .procmailrc and we find:

Petersen|Jens-Ulrik Holger Petersen)
  :0 c

  :0 ic
  | find $MAILDIR/backup/ -ctime +7 -name 'msg.*' -exec /bin/rm '{}' ';'


Remove the second colon on the outside recipe.  BTW: are "backup" and
"personal" directories?  If not, they should have locallockfiles (add
that second colon to them).

Philip Guenther

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