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Have procmail continue to parse a message after a condition is met.

1997-10-09 12:33:28

Here is the scenario,

* ^TOplasma
! plasma(_at_)erinet(_dot_)com

* ^TOroot
! root(_at_)mailhost         

This little condition looks for plasma then when found forwards it to me.
But the next condition is not even considerd.  What if the message was to

Expand this to accomodate another 10-20 more conditions and you can see my
problem.  I need to make sure that every condition is considerd.  

I don't want to go into detail why I need this.  But the gist is this.  I
have about 20 people who want e-mail.  I use a Linux box sendmail and
procmail to do this.  I dial up to get all the mail from a single internet
account. all this mail gets piped through procmail and then forwarded to
each user.  Not pretty but it gets the job done.  Except when sending to
multiple people.  


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