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Re: exec'ing from procmail

1997-10-09 15:47:22
"Todd "Waxahachiefortudinouslyexportitionismistically" Hartman" 
<thartman(_at_)austi> writes:
I can't seem to get exec'ing shell processes to work.

Here's my recipe:
* ^X-Grey:

Change the two to a zero.  The number after the colon puts a
lower-bound on the number of conditions in a recipe.  Since you told
procmail that there are at least 2 conditions, it treated the
"|" line as condition.  Since that string, treated as a
regexp, will match anything (or more precisely, it'll match the
nothingness at the beginning of what is being matched), procmail sees
it as a successful condition.  Then it has to go looking for a action,
and it can't find one before it hits the end of your .procmailrc.
Therefore, you can either change the two into a one, or just change it
to zero and let procmail decide what is a condition and what isn't by
what the line begins with.

Philip Guenther

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