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Re: About mails not addressed to me personally

1997-10-17 10:22:05
On Fri, 17 Oct 1997, era eriksson wrote:

|  > Right now I have the following recipe at the end of my procmailrc:
|  > :0:
|  > * ^TO.*kimmo@
|  > | $FORMAIL -A"X-Sorted: Default" >>$DEFAULT
| Standard rant about how ^TO should not be followed by .*

Oops. I just realized having it there is silly anyway, since I
only want to catch mails that start with "kimmo@" and nothing
else in this particular recipe.

| I'm not sure what you mean here. (To:|Cc:) [which could be written
| (To|Cc): if you want to save a precious byte :-] will catch many fewer
| headers than ^TO, but that doesn't appear to be what you're asking. 

Actually, I was just being lazy, now that I think about it; this
is hardly the rocket-science-level of making procmail recipes.
However, the above did clarify that what I want is (To|Cc):, not
plain ^TO so the time wasn't completely wasted. 

| The procmailrc(5) manual page contains the expansion of ^TO and ^TO_
| -- and if that's not enough, the archives should contain plenty of
| better examples than I have come up with here.

I've always loathed and detested man pages, but guess there's no avoiding
it in this case. ;)

          Kimmo Jaskari          | ÅLCOM - Ålands Datakommunikation Ab |
   Email: kimmo(_at_)alcom(_dot_)aland(_dot_)fi   |        
staff(_at_)alcom(_dot_)aland(_dot_)fi         | |      Phone: +358-(0)18-12122        |

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