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Forwarding messages and saving them on a POP account

1997-10-28 08:26:15

Is it possible to do the following in procmail:

Take incoming e-mail and forward it to an e-mail address while saving it in
the POP mailbox.

The same as above and copying it to a folder on the server.

* ^TOusername
! anotheruser(_at_)someotherdomain(_dot_)com

* ^TOusername

At present, only the first recipe is processed, and the mail is removed
from the POP mailbox. Can I make both work on the same message?

I've also put this recipe at the bottom:

* ^TO.
! postmaster(_at_)somedomain(_dot_)com

This seems to clean out the POP mailbox no matter what comes in, so
anything which is not caught by the filters is sent off to postmaster. Is
there any way to keep this recipe while saving a copy of all incoming mail
to the POP mailbox?



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