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Re: \/ is not the same as ()\/

1997-11-18 09:39:51
Excerpts from mail: (18-Nov-97) Re: \/ is not the same as ()\/ by era eriksson
Then why does this also grab only two lines?

* ()\/$.*$.*$
{ LOG=" d |$MATCH| d " }

And/or why isn't this leading newline logged?

I guess you missed the thread about three weeks ago on leading newlines in a
$MATCH? It's a misfeature. Procmail strips one leading newline from $MATCH
even though you specifically requested it to be part of the MATCH. (This also
exposes a separate, but related bug in procmail 3.11pre7. See the
aforementioned thread for Philip Guenther's patch that fixes that problem.)
Though in this case, procmail might arguably be doing the correct thing (for
once) since the leading newline is a putative marker that starts the body
and, perhaps in theory, doesn't exist.

But if you are like me and don't think that a leading newline should be
removed from $MATCH under any circumstances, I urge you to e-mail Stephen and
request that this misfeature be removed from the next version of procmail.
