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User has not a valid shell

1997-11-26 12:42:29

excuse me the disturb, but i se no other hope.
Procmail is running here on a dec alpha and it works very well for a long
time, but now the sysop has changed something and now the invoke of
procmail via .forward do not work anymore.

The problem is the sysop do not remeber what he has changed and he told me
he would change it again to make procmail running for me, if i would tell
him what to do.

The error is:

If i use the standart command ".." in the .forward file every user sending
a mail to me would receive a mail like:

... user do not have a fvalid shell. he is not allowed to invoke programs
via shell, or something like this.

If there is someone who could help me (maybe in german ;-) i would be very
happy about a short mail. I have one of this errormessages and could send
it to you, if you need it for debugging or hints.

Thank You very much!

.:efendi stevE:.

** There's a frood who really knows where his towel is **
*          .:efendi:.                .:e:.-mail:        *
*  Stefan (.:stevE:.) Geldhauser     tun(_at_)usa(_dot_)net        *
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