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When is a .forward not a .forward

1997-12-05 16:56:12
I installed procmail recently, and, for a days, couldn't get it to run.

I finally got it to run -- all the files were correct....except, 
I installed it as per MITS instructions, which I believe said to
      cd ~
      ln -s .procmail/forward .forward

Well, apparently that caused the problem. No mail went to procmail.

When I removed the .forward link, and replaced it:
      rm ~/.forward
      cp ~/.procmail/forward ~/.forward

Procmail worked. (subsequent tests proved this).

My question is -- why would procmail treat a link to a file any differently
than the actual file itself?


Here is my .forward:
"|IFS=' ' && exec /usr/local/bin/procmail -f- || exit 75 #ahearn"

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