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Re: problem with environment variable which is lost

1997-12-14 10:38:20
`Philip Guenther' wrote

  The problem is that the assignment to RESULT occurs in a subprocesses (the
  shell processing that action) and procmail therefore never sees it.  In
  this case some rearranging can take advantage of another procmail action
  format to solve your problem:
      RESULT=| (echo "From: $FROM"; echo "To: $TO"; echo "Cc: $CC"; \
                echo "Found: $FOUND" ) > headers.tmp; \
                myfilter headers.tmp | tee -a result.list1
  The "variable=|" action format tells procmail to grab the output of the
  action and store it in the variable given.  The "tee -a" command replaces
  the "echo $RESULT" that previously was there; RESULT is no longer set
  inside the processing of the action, so we have to sneak a copy of the
  output of 'myfilter' directly.
  Also, if myfilter can take its input on stdin instead of having to store
  it in a file and name it on the command line, or if it can be changed to
  do so, then the action gets even simpler:
      RESULT=| (echo "From: $FROM"; echo "To: $TO"; \
                echo "Cc: $CC"; echo "Found: $FOUND" \
               ) | myfilter headers.tmp | tee -a result.list1
  No temporary files!
  >What am I doing wrong ? Besides, are there other stupid/dangerous
  >things in what I wrote above ?
  You need the 'i' flag on both of those recipes, as neither action reads
  the message being piped to it by procmail, and procmail will consider
  that an error without the 'i' flag.  Also, with as complicated an
  action as the one you had, I would want to explicitly name the lockfile
  just so I didn't wonder which ">>" procmail looked at.

Thanks. Actually, I solved my problem a long time ago...


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