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Enough is Enough (Re: Free Bulk Email)

1997-12-17 13:20:45

        Ok, I am ONLY getting spam from the procmail mailing list.

        I am getting tired of this.

        I will be bouncing any procmail BCC mails.  There's no legitimate  
reason for sending a BCC to the mailing list, and since there is REFUSAL to  
DO ANYTHING about this problem, there is little else to do.

        We have asked for something to be done, either requiring  
subscriptions (the best idea, by far) or doing some sort of filtering.   

        We have offered to staff a team of admins to set up and maintain the  
necessary filters.  No response.

        I respect all the work that has been done in making procmail  
available and setting up this mailing list.  I am grateful for that.  But  
this has been going on for endless months now and nothing is being done about  
        We're willing to help!

ps -- by 'We' I don't mean everyone, but at least a vocal majority and  
several specific longtime folks

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