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Re: HELP: Any way to get this digest NOT with attachments?

1998-01-12 08:08:28
On Jan 12, 10:40am, Jeff Lawrence wrote:
Subject: HELP: Any way to get this digest NOT with attachments?

[ text/plain
  Encoded with "quoted-printable" ] :
I am having a strange problem with this mailing list's digest.

Seems that however the mailer sends this mail, the digest winds up ONLY
as a list of attachments (ie. each single message is an attachment -
yesterday's digest with 20 messages has 21 attachments (one is the index)).
The is NOT one single file at this end (which every other digest I am on is).
        I notices something similar when I used agent to test a mailing list.
 It may be that your mail agent is "bursting" the digest.  Digests are of the
format that a many mail agents can burst a digets into separate messages, and
some do so as a default.

Matthew Saroff
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