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Re: empty message id

1998-01-13 01:31:45
On Mon, 12 Jan 1998 22:51:59 -0500 (EST), gsutter(_at_)pobox(_dot_)com wrote:
# An invalid Message-Id: header
* !^Message-Id:[     ]*<[^   <>@]+(_at_)[^   <>@]+>[         ]*$
{ SPAMMER="invalid Message-Id: $MATCH" }
I believe credit for this belongs to Era.

Thank you, thank you. However, as somebody pointed out, it is in fact
valid for a Message-Id to contain spaces (and presumably some other
"magic" characters, perhaps backslash-escaped), iff it is also quoted.
See RFC822 for details, or check the recent thread on this list. 
(To be perfectly honest, I still use this recipe, because I never saw
a false match in the mail I receive, but YMMV.)

I also note that you are not using \/ in this recipe, and that $MATCH
will therefore contain whatever some earlier \/ happened to grab. It's
a bit tricky to get any useful logging when checking for a negated
condition, but you could always do something like

    * ! ^Message-Id:<... blah blah ...>
        * ! ^Message-Id:
        { SPAMMER="Ouch: no Message-Id" }

        * ^Message-Id:[         ]*\/[^  ].*
        { SPAMMER="Invalid Message-Id: $MATCH" }

Checking for no Message-Id at all is futile if your site uses
Sendmail, because (stock) Sendmail will always add a Message-Id if one
is missing. Other MTA:s (among them Qmail, I hear) act more sensibly,
and leave the headers alone on incoming mail.

Hope this helps,

/* era */

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