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Re: Adding fields conditionally to formail call?

1998-01-14 10:58:34
Jari Aalto asked,

|     Does anyone have ideas how I can "stack" th3e fieds before I
|     call formail. I'm trying to minmize the called formail processes,
|     because I now do:
|         :0 fh
|         * flag1 ?? yes
|         | formail -A "X-header1: value"
|         :0 fh
|         * flag2 ?? yes
|         | formail -A "X-header1: value"
|         :0 fh
|         | formail -A "X-my: required"
|         ...
|     But I'd like to call formail only onece with all headers in variables,
|     like this
|         field1 = ""     field2 = ""
|         :0
|         * flag1 ?? yes
|         { field1 = "-A \"X-header1: value\"" }
|         :0
|         * flag2 ?? yes
|         { field2 = "-A \"X-header2: value\"" }
|         # Call only formail once with all headers known
|         :0
|         | formail -A "X-my: required" $field1 $field2

The problem is that the spaces between the colon and the value are getting
broken apart.  But if you quote "$field1" and "$field2" in the formail
command, then you'll get null parameters when they are empty, and formail
won't like that either.  So let's dig in.  

         field1      field2
         * flag1 ?? yes
         { field1 = "-A 'X-header1: value'" }
         * flag2 ?? yes
         { field2 = "-A 'X-header2: value'" }
         # Call formail only once with all headers known
         | formail -A "X-my: required" $field1 $field2