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Re: Verify Mail Has Valid 'From:' Field?

1998-01-18 21:58:11
Edward S. Marshall wrote:
a) and b): a little formail magic:

        FROMDOMAIN=`formail -rzxTo: | sed -e 's/.*@//'`
The solution to c) above required a bit of work...
  This reply is somewhat late, but another, more recent thread
("empty message id") here gives me an idea.  Rather than do a
domain lookup on FROMDOMAIN, how about looking for FROMDOMAIN
in the "Message-ID:" and header?  Something like...

FROMDOMAIN=`formail -rzxTo: | sed -e 's/.*@//'`
:0 :baddomain.lock
*$! ^Message-ID:(_dot_)*(_at_)*$FROMDOMAIN

  Because mailing lists tend to be unique, I'd put this check
after processing mailing list mail.  I suppose that an
additional "Message-ID" hedaer could be forged, but there
would then be two matches on "^Message-ID", and counting
could be used to boot messages with more than one such line.
  There is another option, i.e. also check the "Received: from"
header(s).  But it might run into problems receiving email from
people on virtual domains...

FROMDOMAIN=`formail -rzxTo: | sed -e 's/.*@//'`
*$ ^Message-ID:(_dot_)*(_at_)*$FROMDOMAIN
*$ ^Received:.from*$FROMDOMAIN

:0 :baddomain.lock

  Hopefully this will be a better idea than my
"multiple-Received headers" algorithm<g>.  I do want comments,
positive or negative, before I go ahead.  This group has been
valuable to me even if only telling me what *NOT* to do<g>.

Walter Dnes (Toronto)