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Re: Procmail gateway stuff

1998-01-19 15:28:39
        Author:        Kurt Thams <thams(_at_)thams(_dot_)com>
        Original-Date: Mon, 19 Jan 1998 14:09:56 -0800
        Message-ID:    <34C3CF34(_dot_)6B5D(_at_)thams(_dot_)com>

Note that installing the recipe is going to make your files readable by
anyone, because lynx will be happy to accept the file:// protocol. (In
fact, it defaults to it), and since procmail is running as you... well,
you get the picture.

A) good point

B) I deleted this recipe as soon as I made it

C) I would recommend any recipe like this be in its own INCLUDERC which is  
only accessible by a correct From_ line with a harder to guess Subject: line.

Given C it would be relatively safe, but using 'http://' is still a good idea.


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