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syntax rant (was Re: bug: overoptimizing RE)

1998-01-22 17:24:27
Philip Guenther <guenther(_at_)gac(_dot_)edu> replied to me:
* ^Subject:.*Keywords.*\/[0-9]*
Bzzt.  It *did* match greedily on the right hand side.  The problem is
that you let it match too early.  It matched as follows:

You are correct, I was not thinking clearly. This would not have happened
if procmail treated both sides as greedy for any RE with a \/, thus hiding
its shortcut optimizations from the user.

Let me state again how bizarrely stupid procmail regular expressions
expressions are. It is very frustrating to have a world of programs
which all have regular expressions that at least share a common subset
of features and then come to procmail and find that those commonalities
are missing (and that this is poorly documented is just icing on the
cake). I would have never invested the time I have in learning this
mail filter had I an inkling how abstruse and destitute of consistency
its syntax would be. Now with 1200+ lines of recipes handling my mail
I strongly consider ditching it for a perl script.

duplicate checking in effect; no need to CC me on replies to the list.

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