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Re: Earn $300 a Day........Guarenteed! (DUH!)

1998-01-23 17:22:03
At 05:28 PM 1/23/98 -0600, Jeff Tollison wrote:

Thanks for the extra copy of the spam - I managed to miss it the first time
because I was using a simple anti-procmail-relay rule.  Had it not been for
your carboning the procmail list with your frantic remove request, I would
have missed out on reading this important message.

PLEASE, when responding to spams, DO NOT carbon the list.  If you must,
reply to SENDER ONLY.

BTW Jeff - expect more spam from this fool.  Do you REALLY believe that
"remove" requests are honoured by spammers?  Heh, instead of the spammer
spamming just the list the next time, he'll be spamming you DIRECTLY as
well, since you've now given him your address, which wasn't necessarily
known the first time around.

Ahhh, sweet irony.

 Please DO NOT carbon me on list replies.  I'll get my copy from the list.

 Sean B. Straw / Professional Software Engineering
 Post Box 2395 / San Rafael, CA  94912-2395

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