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Re: help with autoresponder attachment test

1998-01-27 00:34:47
On Tue, 27 Jan 1998, Geoffrey Rehn wrote:

.. What I would like to be able to do is, in our online Web courses with
.. assignment submissions via email attachments, to be able to test if an
.. email does indeed have an attchment; if it does, notify the sender of the
.. receipt of the attachment  but if not, notify them that an attachment was
.. not received.

One possibility: Filter your mail through a perl script using procmail.

In this perl script, you can use the module MIME-tools from the perl
archive (CPAN) to analyze the MIME structure of the mail message, e.g.
to determine the presence of a body part of a given type. This should
enable you to recognize the presence of the attachment. As an added
bonus, you'll also be able to pick out the attachment from the message.

- Erik

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