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Forwarding through the same filter

1998-01-28 12:38:21

I'd like to setup some one-way distribution list for my betatests
as quick hacks. 

My domaim is a virtual domain and (nearly) all mail *(_at_)kayhayen(_dot_)com
is going through my procmail setup.

Now I thought of

* ^TOlistname(_at_)kayhayen(_dot_)com
! address1(_at_)anywhere(_dot_)com address2(_at_)kayhayen(_dot_)com ...

The problem is with the address2(_at_)kayhayen(_dot_)com mail. Won't
it just trap the repice in an infite loop with doing some
very nasty mail food for address1(_at_)anywhere(_dot_)com too?

But for testing and archiving purposes at least I'd
need a copy for myself and some "aliases" I've created.

What would you say?

Or should I just create a perl script (maybe someone has
done such?) that forwards to all addresses in a file with me
as the from header?

        Mls, Kay

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