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Re: Forwarding through the same filter

1998-01-28 20:23:57
On Wed, Jan 28, 1998 at 07:07:05PM +0000, Kay Hayen wrote:
I'd like to setup some one-way distribution list for my betatests
as quick hacks. 

My domaim is a virtual domain and (nearly) all mail *(_at_)kayhayen(_dot_)com
is going through my procmail setup.

Now I thought of

* ^TOlistname(_at_)kayhayen(_dot_)com
      ^^ needs a space
! address1(_at_)anywhere(_dot_)com address2(_at_)kayhayen(_dot_)com ...

The problem is with the address2(_at_)kayhayen(_dot_)com mail. Won't
it just trap the repice in an infite loop with doing some
very nasty mail food for address1(_at_)anywhere(_dot_)com too?

No, if the email is sent to the given addresses and the addresses aren't
aliases from yourself the email is delivered and will not be processed 
further. There could be problems if the email bounces, therefore I would
suggest to change the recipe as follows:

:0 c
*  3^0 ^To:(_dot_)*listname(_at_)kayhayen(_dot_)com
! address1(_at_)anywhere(_dot_)com address2(_at_)kayhayen(_dot_)com
But for testing and archiving purposes at least I'd
need a copy for myself and some "aliases" I've created.
The "c" flag after :0 provides a copy for you and the FROM_DAEMON line
excludes bounces.

Or should I just create a perl script (maybe someone has
done such?) that forwards to all addresses in a file with me
as the from header?


Greetings, Werner
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