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hashed mail spool directory

1998-02-01 15:23:09

Is there a shortcut to getting procmail to do a hashed mail
directory?  I wrote a little c program to spit out a nice
path depending on the user's name, and I stuck this into
/etc/procmailrc like this:

MAILDIR=/var/spool/mail/`hashusername $LOGNAME`

and this seems to work.  It is a bit ugly.

The goal of this is to reduce the number of files in /var/spool/mail,
of course, but everytime procmail runs, it creates the ORGMAIL
file /var/spool/mail/username.  This of course creates thousands
of empty files in the directory, which is exactly what I want to

How can I get it to stop creating these files?  Is there a better
way to get a hashed spool directory structure?


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