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Variation on Re: substituting for dirname

1998-02-10 01:02:48

I have been trying to piece this together from old emails and it is failing.

I need a clean section of code (rather than bits and pieces quoted)....

I am trying to match

luomat+BLAH(_at_)luomat(_dot_)peak(_dot_)org and I want to get the BLAH and get 
rid of the  
"luomat+" and the ""

Now the blah may be one word or several, such as this:



        Note: I am only using 1 plus sign, the first one after my username.
        Anything after that will be separated by /

There could also be something like this:


What I would like to do is test for the existence of the directory if there  
is a "/" present (ie $MAILDIR/Lists or $MAILDIR/Lists/Misc/)

If the directory is not there, I want to try 'mkdir' and then I want to put  
the message in whatever mailbox is BLAH, ie:


I'm sorry I can't seem to figure this out on my own....

I can't figure out how to:

        Not have the domain end up as part of the $MATCH:

        * ^TO_luomat\+()\/.*\@

        How to get the directory, if any which comes after the + and before  
the @ (ie /Lists or /Lists/Misc in the examples above)

Here is as close as I seem to have ever gotten:

# NOTE: Appnmail is a NeXT program which does it's own locking


* ^TO_$LOGNAME\+()\/.*

        * MBOX ?? ^^\/.\        # This needs to be the directory

                # NOTE: my mkdir can do mkdir -p /some/dir/
                # with trailing slash
                * ? test ! -d "$DIR"
                | mkdir -p "$DIR"

                # Do this if the directory should have been made
                # but failed
                | $APPNMAIL $IN/PlussedMisc             

        | $APPNMAIL $DIR/$MATCH      # this needs to be between
                                     # the + and the @ !!!

        # If the message has not been delivered by now,
        # send it to Misc
        | $APPNMAIL $IN/PlussedMisc

Thanks again


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