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Re: Simplyfying my 'mailinglists.rc'

1998-02-13 19:02:07
I believe if you change it to something along the lines of:

        * 1^0 ^From.*
        * 1^0 ^TOssrt-news
        * 1^0 ^TOJPLNews
        * 1^0 ^FROM.*NASANews

it will work - I could be wrong tho - if there is a better/more efficient
way of doing this, I'd be interested in knowing as well


On Fri, 13 Feb 1998, Mike Andersson wrote:

OK, I've looked through the man page, and it seems that multiple
conditions in a recipe are AND-ed. How does one OR several

Specifically, I get mail from several space-related lists.
Currently, my rc file has several recipes of the general form:

      * ^FROM.*

The condition line varies, but suffice to say that there are many
such recipes. 

Is there some way to combine them? It would be great to be able
to put together something like this:

        * ^FROM.*
      * ^TOssrt-news
      * ^TOJPLNews
      * ^FROM.*NASANews

If my understanding is correct, however, this will only work if
the email fulfulls all four of those conditions...

Help, please?

--Michael Andersson