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Re: And sometimes, there is this ...

1998-02-27 07:12:09
On Feb 26,  8:10pm, Nick Halloway wrote:
Subject: And sometimes, there is this ...
first time my autoresponder has triggered rage ...
From ratledge(_at_)jps(_dot_)net  Wed Feb 25 20:21:46 1998
From: "Richard Ratledge" <ratledge(_at_)jps(_dot_)net>

Forget it!

I will put your name in my delete filter so I never see messages
from you again and accidentally trigger your SPAM program.

By the way, did it ever occur to you that sending out messages
like this IS SPAM??? What makes you so holy that you can send
out SPAM like this???
        My Autoresponder once bounced Eli the Bearded.  He was miffed, and
basically said (on the list), "Your problem."
        If I get a message from someone claiming that an autoresponder of this
sort is spam, I'd wonder if they were trying to hawk the latest MLM.

Matthew Saroff
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