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Subscribing to mailing lists under an alias

1998-02-27 16:43:06
Could someone reiterate the thinking behind subscribing yourself to
mailing lists under an alias?  I think it was Era who brought this up
recently (correct me if I misquote).

My big issue right now (if you haven't been reading lately) is determining
if an arriving message came from a mailing list or not, because I intend
to apply spam filters differently to list mail vs direct mail.  Basically,
if the message came from a list, I won't apply the autoreply whitelist
method and instead will just use some blacklist/weighting approaches on
those mails.  Mails I receive from non-list sources will have to battle
the full gammut of filters...

My ISP has been nice enough to set up a mail alias for me -- let's call it
"psmith-exploder" (the connotation of which probably pleases some readers
of late...).  My intention is to unsubscribe my primary address "psmith"
from the mailing lists I am currently on, and then re-subscribe under the
"psmith-exploder" alias.  Also in the scheme somewhere is the requirement
that I have to somehow keep the aliased address out of the distributed
copies of my postings which go to the other subscribers.

So far my biggest problem with that has been that I don't know if the
aliased address will even appear in list mail I receive.  I recently
scanned through some mail from this list that I have saved, and looking at
full headers, can't spot my own address anywhere outside of the Received:
lines, which I consider unreliable.

And then there is the issue of "plussed" addresses ("psmith+exploder"),
but I don't know if I'm mixing two different strategies mentioning that

Anyone with a clear understanding of how this is supposed to work?


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