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RE: Re: formatting *From for outgoing mail

1998-03-03 06:23:52
On  3 Mar 98 at 12:19, procmail(_at_)Informatik(_dot_)RWTH-Aach wrote:

From:          <jari(_dot_)aalto(_at_)poboxes(_dot_)com>
To:            <procmail(_at_)informatik(_dot_)rwth-aachen(_dot_)de>
Subject:       Re: formatting *From for outgoing mail
Reply-to:      jari(_dot_)aalto(_at_)ntc(_dot_)nokia(_dot_)com
Date:          03 Mar 1998 12:19:15 +0200

|Tue 98-03-03 Oliver_Bach(_at_)t-online(_dot_)de (Wophet) list.procmail
| what is a good formatting line of *from for your outgoing mail?
| "Text" <email(_at_)host(_dot_)org>

Hm, it's better without quotes. [I'm almost sure that the statement
below is nonsense, but hey...]

    From: To be is not same as beeing to be <foo(_at_)site(_dot_)com>

Use () instead of quotes if you enclose special characters. The
parenthesis is used for RFC comment marker.

    From: <foo(_at_)site(_dot_)com> (To be, is not same as beeing to be) 

The enclosed comma need to be protected and the reversed order is
due to recommendation. I don't know how should I react to surname
lastname matter -- I tend to think that I can write any text on the
line as long as it's within comment. But here is the RFC 1036:

    2.1.1.  From
    RFC-822 specifies that all text in parentheses is to be
    interpreted as a comment.  It is common in Internet mail to
    place the full name of the user in a comment at the end of the
    "From" line.  This standard specifies a more rigid syntax.  The
    full name is not considered a comment, but an optional part of
    the header line. Either the full name is omitted, or it appears
    in parentheses after the electronic address of the person
    posting the message, or it appears before an electronic address
    which is enclosed in angle brackets.  Thus, the three
    permissible forms are:

              From: mark(_at_)cbosgd(_dot_)ATT(_dot_)COM
              From: mark(_at_)cbosgd(_dot_)ATT(_dot_)COM (Mark Horton)
              From: Mark Horton <mark(_at_)cbosgd(_dot_)ATT(_dot_)COM>


No, I thought in regard to sendmail command.
In case you run a virtual domain and then I want to reply again with 
the virtual email address in promail


to sales(_dot_)(_at_)host(_dot_)com
is then sent to the account
and then replying to the sender again with sales(_at_)host(_dot_)com in
the from line instead of me(_at_)realhost(_dot_)com
And that is not only for sales and that is why I cannot simply change 
it, but would have the prg do it...


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