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Re: Using + notation in email addresses

1998-03-03 08:11:45
On Tue, 3 Mar 1998, Matthew G. Saroff (Reply to the pobox address) wrote:

      I've noticed that there is some filtering going on out there using a
name+stuff(_at_)comain format.  I was wondering where I might find the 
specifcs on
this sort of addressing.

It is part of the latest sendmail, if turned on.  One specifies it in I believe.

      I'm assuming that this is used to create an address that
specifies the source and possibly have an expiration date so when
posting publically, one can automatically trash stuff to that address
after a given time.  Is this true? 

I have used it for those purposes.  For example when I post to Usenet and
want to be able to get replies (ie I am asking a question I really want to
make sure I get the response to).  I've done stuff like:


and then in a week or so (when I thought all the responses were in) I told
procmail to sort any messages with that address in the Received: line to
the Spam/Possible mailbox.

        For email lists I use 'myname+Lists/listname' and have a recipe I
posted to the list not too long ago for automatically checking for
'Lists/listname' in my mailboxes folder and auto-filing it.

        All sendmail does is make sure whatever is before the first "+"
exists as a username... so I could even use this:



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