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WARNING: (Z34DDDA86V) A note from Joni

1998-03-07 22:28:22
Madam, Sir,                        | Madame, Monsieur,
Sorry, but your message has not    | Désole, mais votre message n'est
been delivered.                    | pas parvenu à son destinataire.
Due to the dramatically increasing | En raison de la progression
number of unsolicited commercial   | inquiétante du nombre de courriels
mails and spam mails I am getting  | (courriers électroniques)
in my mailbox, I am using an       | commerciaux non sollicités et de
automatic mechanism to filter out  | courriels spam que je reçois dans
such mail.  Unfortunately, this    | ma boite aux lettres, j'utilise un
filtering mechanism has a major    | mécanisme de filtrage
drawback. It is based on various   | automatique. Malheureusement, ce
heuristics, one of which is the    | filtre a un inconvénient. Il est
list of the people email's address | basé sur plusieurs heuristiques,
I already have received and        | l'une étant la liste des adels
approved mail from. If you are     | (adresses électroniques) des
reading this, chances are that     | personnes qui m'ont déjà écrit. Si
your email address is not in this  | vous lisez ceci, il y a de fortes
list.                              | chances pour que vous n'en fassiez
                                   | pas partie.
In fact, you are probably not a    | En fait, si vous lisez ceci, vous
spammer, as they usually hid their | n'êtes probablement pas un
real address (therefore you would  | "spammer", qui en général cache
not read this, as I cannot reach   | leur adel réelle (donc vous ne
you).                              | liriez pas ceci puisque je ne
                                   | pourrais pas vous joindre).
Your message is thus filtered out  | Généralement, votre message est
if:                                | filtré si:
- it is the first time you are     | - c'est la première fois que vous
  writting to me,                  |   m'écrivez,
- you have changed your email      | - vous avez changé d'adel,
  address,                         | - votre message est une réponse à
- your message is a reply to a     |   un courriel que je vous ai
  mail I sent you, or a response   |   envoyé ou à un article que j'ai
  to an article I posted in the    |   posté dans les nouvelles... mais
  news... but your mail reader or  |   votre lecteur de courriels ou de
  news reader did not use the      |   nouvelles n'a probablement pas
  "Reference" field as my filter   |   utilisé le champs "Reference"
  scans it to determine if the     |   qu'utilise mon logiciel de
  mail should be approved.         |   filtre pour laisser passer votre
                                   |   mail.
If your message was not sent to me | Si votre courriel ne m'était pas
directly (but through a mail list  | adressé directement (mais à une
of some sort), I *apologize* for   | liste de diffusion électronique),
the inconvenience of bouncing it   | je vous prie de m'excuser pour ce
to you. I *invite* you to resent   | courriel et vous demande de me
it to me as described below and    | renvoyer mon courriel comme décrit
point this problem to me.          | ci dessous et de me signaler ce
                                   | problème.
So, if you want your message to    | En définitive, si vous voulez me
reach me, and thus make you known  | joindre, et aussi vous faire
to my despamming system, you have  | connaître de mon système de
to add the word Z34DDDA86V to the  | filtrage, il vous faut ajouter le
subject line and re-send it within | mot Z34DDDA86V dans le sujet et me
two weeks from now (in fact, I     | le renvoyer dans les deux semaines
added it for you in this message,  | (en fait, je l'ai ajouté pour vous
so a reply to this message would   | dans le sujet de ce message, donc
get through).  Alternatively, you  | une réponse à ce courriel passera
can add to your mail the following | le filtre). Une autre alternative
header: X-Despam-Key: Z34DDDA86V   | est d'ajouter à votre message un
                                   | champ: X-Despam-Key: Z34DDDA86V
My despamming system keeps track   | Mon système de filtre garde trace
of the people which e-mail I have  | des adels des personnes dont j'ai
read.  Therefore, you should only  | lu un courriel. Donc vous ne
get this message once.             | devriez recevoir ce message qu'une
                                   | fois.
PS: if you want to read more about | PS: si vous voulez en savoir plus
this despamming mechanism, refer   | sur ce système de filtre, referez
to:                                | vous a:
------- start of forwarded message (RFC 934 encapsulation) -------
Received: from (root(_at_)laas [])
        by (8.8.8/8.8.8) with ESMTP id GAA22640
        for <felix(_at_)pif(_dot_)laas(_dot_)fr>; Sun, 8 Mar 1998 06:06:23 
+0100 (MET)
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(campino.Informatik.RWTH-Aachen.DE [])
        by (8.8.8/8.8.8) with ESMTP id GAA27876
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Resent-Date: Sun, 8 Mar 1998 06:02:18 +0100 (MET)
From: joni(_at_)mail(_dot_)com
Date: Sun, 8 Mar 1998 12:14:02 +0800
Message-Id: <9803080414(_dot_)AA03180(_at_)jtb>
To: joni(_at_)mail(_dot_)com
Subject: A note from Joni
Resent-Message-ID: <"Pv4mD.A.yjB.DmhA1"@campino>
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Hello Debbie,

Just wanted to get some valuable information to you before Tom and I left
for Hawaii.  He and I have discovered the most incredible recruiting program
for the two MLM programs we are in.  I'm sending you the "URL" for a website
that provides a free training course on how to recruit New Distributors
using ICQ (a free 'instant contact' program)  and the Vocaltec Internet
Phone.  This system is incredible!  The originators of the program are just
getting it setup, and are seeking volunteers to do the training.  Tom and I
both have received our training and have signed up to be volunteer trainers.
There are some real advantages to becoming a trainer as you will see when
you look at their site.  We both believe that we can finally get over the
$100,000 a year level using this great recruiting system.  Check it out at:

I hope this is your correct e-mail address.  My hard drive crashed about a
month ago and I didn't have a backup.  I found what I think is your e-mail
address from some old notes but I'm not absolutely sure it is the right one.
Please e-mail me as soon as you get this letter so I can confirm that you
received this.  I've tried to call you but I haven't gotten an answer and
there is no answering machine on your line.

Everything is going great on this end.  Hope the same is true on yours.  

Aloha from, 
Joni & Tom

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