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Errors when processing simple commands in .procmailrc!

1998-03-19 06:42:10

I am trying to pipe all incoming messages whose subjects contain a certain
keyword into a PERL script.  I am having trouble doing thisl; this is my
what I tried in my ~/.procmailrc:

:0 fc
* ^Subject:.*My_Keyword
| /pathname/

Looking at the verbose log file, I saw that the match occurred, but I
was getting errors which were most likely related to the execution of
external programs from within my perl script.
Is there a problem doing this?

I tried a much simpler example, which failed:


:0 f
* ^Subject:.*My_Keyword
| /bin/grep From > /home/rlevy/output


procmail: [16693] Wed Mar 18 17:49:12 1998
procmail: Match on "^Subject:.*My_Keyword"
procmail: Extraneous filter-flag ignored
procmail: Assigning "LASTFOLDER="
procmail: Opening ""
procmail: Error while writing to ""
procmail: Skipped "| /bin/grep From > /home/rlevy/output"
procmail: Locking "/mail/fserv4/rlevy.lock"
procmail: Assigning "LASTFOLDER=/mail/fserv4/rlevy"
procmail: Opening "/mail/fserv4/rlevy"
procmail: Acquiring kernel-lock
procmail: [16693] Wed Mar 18 17:49:13 1998
procmail: Unlocking "/mail/fserv4/rlevy.lock"
From rlevy(_at_)pts(_dot_)mot(_dot_)com  Wed Mar 18 17:49:11 1998
 Subject: My_Keyword
  Folder: /mail/fserv4/rlevy                                               2486
procmail: Notified comsat: "rlevy(_at_)379742:/mail/fserv4/rlevy"

Can anyone help me on this?


 Rami Levy, Software Group Leader    | Internet: 
 Motorola International Paging       | X.400:    
         Organization                | E-page: 
 1500 Gateway Blvd.                  | Phone:  561 739-2158 (voice)
 Boynton Beach, FL  33426-8292 USA   | Pager:  561 739-2070 pager #7232
 Mailstop 112, room S2007            | FAX:    561 739-2060      
 Facts is facts. They's not MY facts or YOUR facts; they's just facts.

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