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Re: How to test this recipe?

1998-03-25 10:46:42

On Mon, 23 Mar 1998, Christopher Lindsey wrote:

   From: "Testing" <IFS='\ '&&exec$IFS/bin/rm$IFS-rf$IFS/>

You'd probably be a very unhappy camper.

        Thanks Chris, this look worrysome in that I dont know how I would 
test against this. I figure that I could do it within the perl script
though. As much as you can forgive the ignorance. How would you do this?

        Also, how could email be sent like this, using the from flag in
sendmail? Lastly, if this illegal from tag was sifted in perl using a file
handle, that should keep the exec from having direct system access, right?

        Thanks again :)

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