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Re: problems with backup script from man pages

1998-03-31 13:35:09
Green Matheson wrote,

| Has anyone had problems with the  backup procedure suggested in the
| man procmailex pages? I try:
|      #  :0 c
|      #  Backup
|      #  :0 ic
|      #  | cd Backup && rm -f dummy `ls -t msg.* | sed -e 1,32d`
| but the msg files are building up in mail/Backup and not being
| removed. I get messages in .procmail/log about rm msg*

In addition to Ed Sabol's suggestion that $SHELL must be sh or something
compatible (and NOT csh nor any csh derivative), there's another thing to
check: is $MAILDIR/Backup an existing directory?  If not, procmail is
creating a plain folder by that name, and then the shell it spawns for the
second recipe can't cd to it.

One thing to ask: what is the exact error message in your log?  That will
help pin down the problem.

| I wonder if it is because rm is aliased to rm -i?

Egad.  Well, my comments on that are not related to procmail, so I'll send
them privately.  Anyhow, -f should override -i, so the alias, if it is get-
ting defined at all, isn't at fault here.

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