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Re: Current Version of Procmail?

1998-04-08 14:59:07
At 04:08 PM 4/8/98 -0400, Paul O Bartlett wrote:
   My ISP still has v3.10 of procmail.  They deliberately do not
upgrade software just because a new version or release level comes 
out.  I have just (re)joined the list.  What is the current version 
of procmail, how long has it been out, and how stable is it?  Maybe 
I can ask them to upgrade.

Welcome back.

Quick answers:  3.11pre7.  About 11 months.  Reasonably-to-very (moreso
than 3.10).  Sure, go ahead and ask.

Sources are available at:

If Procmail isn't the local delivery agent (which means you must run it
from a .forward file), unless there are restriction on the server, you can
just D/L, compile and use a personal copy of the program if the Sysad
doesn't want to do a blanket update of Procmail.

 Please DO NOT carbon me on list replies.  I'll get my copy from the list.

 Sean B. Straw / Professional Software Engineering
 Post Box 2395 / San Rafael, CA  94912-2395

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