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Re: mail forwarding

1998-04-26 17:47:31
At 17:05 -0600 26 Apr 1998, 
talley(_at_)boulder(_dot_)Central(_dot_)Sun(_dot_)COM (Steve Talley) wrote:
What I'd like is something like:

* (if not on host blah)
! talley(_at_)blah

* ! HOST ?? blah
! talley(_at_)blah

The "??" sets the search area to the variable named before it.  In this
situation you don't want to put a '$' before the variable name.

Aaron Schrab     aaron(_at_)schrab(_dot_)com
 One of the most overlooked advantages to computers is...  If they
 do foul up, there's no law against whacking them around a little.
   -- Joe Martin

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