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mail forwarding

1998-04-26 16:28:50

How can I tell procmail to forward my mail if it's not running on a
particular machine?  I know that setting the HOST variable will cause
procmail to stop executing the current script if it does not match the
current machine, but I want it forward the mail first.

Here is the scenario: I've just started using procmail for mail
filtering.  Before procmail, my .forward file had one line:


This was so all mail sent to talley(_at_)foo or talley(_at_)bar would be
forwarded on to talley(_at_)blah(_dot_)  Now I am using procamil, and my 
file looks like this:

"|IFS=' ' && exec /home/talley/bin/procmail -f- || exit 75 #talley"

If I put both lines in .forward, procmail will run twice whenever mail
is sent to talley(_at_)foo (once on foo, once on blah), so I've taken out
the old "talley(_at_)blah" line in hopes of getting procmail to forward the
mail as needed.

What I'd like is something like:

* (if not on host blah)
! talley(_at_)blah

...<rest of .procmailrc>...

Any ideas?



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