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Re: procmail/sendmail general filter question

1998-04-29 15:10:54

On Thu, 30 Apr 1998, Liviu Daia wrote:

    * ^TO(.*\<)@([^ .@<>()]+\.)*falcon\.org

why bother with that complex sysntax when *(_at_)*falcon(_dot_)org works 

    Because it doesn't do what you expect it to.  "^TO" is first
expanded to


then the first "*" in "^TO*(_at_)*falcon(_dot_)org" is applied to the 
above, which means matching _that_ 0 or more times, then the second "*"
is applied to "@", which means matching "@" 0 or more times.  I suppose
this is not what you want.

it is, and it isnt.  its not what i want in my regex, but it -is- what i
wanted to hear for an answer.  Thanks!