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Re: procmail/sendmail general filter question

1998-04-29 12:49:11

On Wed, 29 Apr 1998, era eriksson wrote:

What it means is, The ^TO macro, followed by any number of whatever
^TO expands to, which happens to be a parenthesized expression (not
the ? quantifier as I thought it did, which would indeed have been a
syntax error -- sorry) followed by zero or more @, followed by falcon,
followed by any one character, followed by org. You mean something like

    * ^TO(.*\<)@([^   .@<>()]+\.)*falcon\.org
why bother with that complex sysntax when *(_at_)*falcon(_dot_)org works just 
(i.e. am i missing something here?) procmail does the filtering fine.
thats not the problem. the problem is that when i use the c option 
:0 c, procmail does not allow the mail to go out.. 

 > i have that in the rc file im using.  doesnt that take care of it?

Yeah. So what does the log say when you get the error?

procmail: Assigning "MAILDIR=/var/test"
procmail: Assigning "LOCKFILE=/var/test/.locktest"
procmail: Locking "/var/test/.locktest"
procmail: Match on

procmail: Assigning "LASTFOLDER=/var/mail/falcontest"
procmail: Opening "/var/mail/falcontest"
procmail: Acquiring kernel-lock
 Subject: Returned mail: Can't create output: Error 0
  Folder: **Bounced**                                           2120
procmail: Unlocking "/var/test/.locktest"

again, thanks for all of your help on this.